
Ms. Patti Londoño Jaramillo, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia paid a working visit to Slovakia from 6. - 8.2.2013. On Thursday, 7th February she met Honorary Consul Anton Siekel at the Honorary Consulate. As a part of the working schedule, Ms. Deputy Minister also met Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic Mr. Pavol Pavlis and held negotiations at the National Council of the Slovak Republic with the Chairman of the International Committee Mr. František Šebej. At the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Ms. Londoño paid a courtessy call to the office of the Minister Miroslav Lajčák and afterwards she met with the Deputy Minister Peter Burian. The Consulate was actively invoved in the preparation process of the visit of Deputy Minister to Slovakia, in close collaboration with the Colombian Embassy in Viena and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.